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Kootenai County Commissioners Business Updates August 15, 2023

Writer's picture: Erin B.Erin B.

The weekly status update had many interesting projects correlating with the inner workings of the city, and instead of choosing a few to talk about I just put all the information on the action items below. All motions to accept this items were approved.

Bid Opening Bid#BP# 01-Earthwork & Site Utilities/Bouten Subcontract for Justice Center Expansion Work Package 01

Peck & Peck Base bid: $684,370

Coeur der? Contractors $799,710

Hitches Unlimited Inc $725,000

Motion to acknowledge bits and to submit to RMO and Legal for review.

2023/2024 Janitorial Services Agreement/ Riverstone Transit Center and TESH

Annual agreement with TESH 9/2023-8/2024 @ $944/month

Kootenai County Preservation Plan Historical Context Professional Services Agreement

Agreement is for the Cougar Gulch Multiple Property Historic District document which will be submitted to the Idaho State Preservation Office for nomination to the National Historic Register. The agreement is for $9,999 paid with federal grant funds. The required county match will be met by the volunteer time put in be the members of the Historic Preservation Commission as well as county staff hours. (In the minutes from the 6/21/23 Historic Preservation Committee meeting it was confirmed that Sharon Boswell will do the Cougar Gulch Multiple Property Historic District application and nomination of one NRHP property for the $9,999 grant funds.)

Independent Contractor Agreement Project Management Services 20HFR1-Kootenai Hazard Fuels Reduction

Independent contractor agreement for project manager services with Inland Forest Management for the 20HFR1 SE Hayden Lake Fire Smart Grant. Contract is not to exceed $9,500 and the funds are covered by the grant.

Independent Contractor Agreement 22HFR1-Kootenai Hazard Fuels Reduction

Independent contractor agreement for project manager services with Inland Forest Management for the 22HFR1-Canfield/Cancourse Natural Area Fire Smart Grant. Contract is not to exceed $22,600 and the funds are covered by the grant.

First Amendment for Contract for Services Hazard Fuels Treatment 19HFR1

This is the first amendment of the contractor agreement for the 19HFR1 Hazard Wildlands Fuels Treatment Fire Smart Grant with North Idaho Landscapes & Forestry. Amendment is for an additional 1.5-acre fuel break on the Lochhaven Grandview English Point Project. The amount for this amended contract is $6,000.

Board Approval Request: Public Defender Conflict Contract with Merck Law, LLC

Katherine Merck which has been reviewed/approved by Judge Meyer and the Judicial Selection Committee. This is an interim contract and will be renewed at the end of the fiscal year along with the rest of the conflict attorneys. Those terms will be going through September 2024.

Airport Work Order 23-003 for Taxiway C extension design & construction with T-O Engineers

Work order for Taxiway C and to relocate the MALSR threshold lights with Ardurra. They are waiting on a FAA grant in FY24 which they’re hoping will fund 90% of the project. This work order is $719, 331.54 and time and materials, in addition to their master services agreement.

Lease Addendum AAL-2020-998 Increase lot square footage for Fightertown LLC

Increases the lot square footage for Fightertown LLC by 74,000 sqft for a total of 98,882 sqft.

Consent to Assignment of lease AAL-2009-110 to Foreman Properties LLC

Daryl Foreman asks that this property be put in the name of Foreman Properties like the rest of his leases.

Supplemental Agreement for Snow Removal Building with TML Construction

Agreement will allow TML Construction put in a restroom in the building that was originally taken out of the plans because they didn’t have the funding. The Idaho Transportation Department is going to fund this at 100% for $105,513.

Resolution 2023-68 Disaster Emergency Declaration for Parkway Fire

Commissioners did approve this resolution in their emergency meeting last week but there is updated language in resolution so it has been brought back in front of BOCC.

Resolution 2023-69 City of Hayden right-of-way property purchase at airport

This is the formal resolution for city of Hayden to purchase property and pay county for temporary construction easements. Funding would stay with airport per FAA grant assurances. This is for the Ramsey Rd. extension around the airport from Wyoming Ave to Lancaster Ave.

Status Updates:

Facilities Expansion: August 14th there was a Facilities working group meeting. Trying to get Sheriff’s move solidified and new information submitted to Legal.

Impact Fees: Mayor’s meeting happened this morning. Bruce says it went really well; it was 1st step to identify issues and answer questions. He hopes before end of year they can be on good pathway towards getting impact fees implemented.

Prosecuting Attorney’s Office: There is a business getting rid of a lot of partitions. Building and Grounds and KCSO working on that and see if they can get space relief for Prosecuting Attorney’s office.

Jail Pods: RFQ will be published August 18.

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