If there is one video you watch today, please let it me this one below.
Paul Amador, OUR District 4 representative, has gone out of his way AGAIN to keep the best medical health freedom bill in his Ways & Means Committee to die.
Yesterday on the House floor Rep. Greg Ferch (Dist. 21) motioned to bring HB491 out of the Ways & Means Committee so they can debate it on the floor. Ferch’s reason to resurrect it from the W&M grave is that his constituents WANT medical health freedom, as does the rest of Idaho’s population.
Amador immediately gets up and makes a motion to keep HB491 in the Ways & Means Committee, to keep this bill from being debated (and potentially passed) on the floor.
Rep. Ron Nate (Dist. 34), Rep. Greg Ferch, and Rep. Heather Scott (Dist. 1) all get up and debate for this bill to stay on the floor but ultimately, Amador got his way and HB491 is staying in the Ways and Means Committee to die.
Here’s the comments from Citizens Alliance of Idaho
A lot of these bills and more were attempted to be introduced into "germane" committees, only to be rejected and then sent to Rep. Amador’s Ways & Means committee to sit and die because his committee doesn’t handle these issues. Dizzy yet?
Chair Rep. Paul Amador is awaiting your input.
Use our outreach tool: https://citizensallianceidaho.org/lawmakers/paul-amador/
Or email him directly at PAmador@house.idaho.gov
Just as a reminder, Paul Amador (Dist. 4) is the chair of the Ways and Means Committee and can take this bill out at ANY time to be debated but continues to choose to keep it hidden away.
He’s our Coeur d’Alene representative. What a joke.
He is also running for District 4 Senate on May 17th so now is the time to check out and support his opponent, Ben Toews, for that seat instead.
Other North Idaho representatives that voted to kill this bill?
Sage Dixon (Dist. 1) and
Ron Mendive (Dist. 3)

Want to see more Amador video of keeping GOOD bills in the Ways & Means Committee to die? Check out the grocery tax video, HB470, here.
PLEASE reach out to Amador, Dixon, Mendive, and ALLL the other representatives that do not care about Idaho’s medical health freedom and let them know your thoughts. Want everyone’s email addresses? Check out kcspectator.com/state-legislators