The Kootenai County Commissioners met with the Office of Emergency Management on Thursday to discuss the emergency declaration continuation for the Parkway Fire. The Parkway Fire started on Friday, August 4, and after 4 harrowing days of fire fighting and evacuations, the fire is 100% contained. Although the fire is contained, however, it does not mean that the job is 100% done.
When the fire started on August 4th, Commissioner Duncan, as the Chairman of the BOCC, immediately declared a state of emergency so that the county could start evaluating what type of local, state and federal assistance was necessary to bring the situation under control. According to Idaho Code § 46-1011, a disaster declaration is in effect for 7 days before the commissioners have to extend, redeclare, or cancel the proclamation.
Kootenai County Fire Chief Way asked the commissioners on Thursday to continue the emergency declaration to help with current and future expenses relating to the fire mitigation, opening the door to possible federal funding to help the county's rising costs.
The commissioners agreed with Chief Way and motioned to approve a new declaration of state of emergency with Resolution 2023-68, with no end date attached to ensure that all expenses relating to the fire will be covered under the emergency status. The commissioners scheduled an update meeting in two weeks.
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