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CDA Planning & Zoning Commission Approves Special Use Permit for 79 Unit “Affordable Housing” Complex at Ramsey and Kathleen

Writer: Erin B.Erin B.

Have you ever driven down Ramsey Rd. at any time of day and thought to yourself, “hmmm, I wish we had more traffic on this road?” Well, you’re in luck! The Coeur d’Alene Planning & Zoning Commission approved a Special Use Permit to a developer to build a 79-unit complex on Ramsey Rd. just north of Kathleen Ave.


Weter Bare Land LLC (aka the Viking Homes owner) has asked to get around the vacant property’s current C-17 zoning to hike up the density to a R-34 special use permit for the mere fact to squeeze more people into a smaller area under the guise of “affordable housing.” 



The current C-17 zoning theoretically allows 41 units while the requested R-34 SUP would allow 79 units.


Whenever a zone change/modification request is made, the planning & zoning commission must look at the Comprehensive Plan to see if this request hits the criteria of the future land use plan. The developer always includes which Comp Plan goals his structure will meet, but some of the goals are a little comical and have nothing to do with actual positives/negatives of developing this site. 



The developer made the commission aware of a few points about this proposal:

1.      To make as much money as possible.

2.      To make this a more pedestrian-friendly area.

3.      To provide “affordable housing” but at market rates.

4.      To provide housing NOT for families, but for retirees, single people and couples. (doesn’t really create that partnership with the CDA School District IMHO)





The Planning & Zoning Commission agreed that the developer did meet the standards for approval based on the current laws and approved the request for the R-34 Special Use Permit with some stipulations. 





This article will be updated when it is confirmed that this SUP will go to the city council or if it is done. Be prepared to fight if it goes to city council or be prepared for more traffic if it's done. Hopefully we're the former.


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